The Oneas explores and questions the construct of a family through photography and installation art. The Oneas wonder: how did we get here? What drove us to desire, make sacrifices and toil for this archaic model?
Nature’s call.
Religious education.
Status anxiety.
A love for everyday poetry.
An urge for structure.
The song of the unicorn.
An error of judgment.
Suboptimal self-worth.
Deep neurosis.
Distaste for proper pets.
A search for meaning.
Irrational love.
Are we ordinary memes, meriting creators or humble passers? 

Mihail Onea & Frédérique de Montblanc

EXHIBITION: 12/11/2021 - 02/12/2021 @ Nadine, Laboratory for Contemporary Arts.

Supported by Vlaamse Gemeenschap.